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Nozzle Jet Wrench

Part No.:  2700-0016
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*** IN STOCK SHIPS TODAY *** For the racer that runs an engine with port nozzles one of the worst tasks is trying to change a port nozzle jet in the tight confines of space. Typically you have the blower manifold almost wedged into the valve cover and there is just barely a spot to stick a nozzle body with a jet in it, then attach a rubber hose to it. Not to bad at the shop but when at the track, no room and a lot of frustration for what should be a couple minute task.

Well friends it is back....... The Nozzle Jet Wrench that has been built with the racer in mind. Basically a 7/16" socket has been Tig-welded to the T-handle wrench, then had about half of the socket and tube machined away allowing the racer to slide the wrench down the hose, crack the -3 rubber line loose, spin the line nut off, crack the nozzle jet loose spin it out, change for the tune up and reverse the process all while hardly breaking a sweat.

Wrench is 7.00" overall length, 3.50" T-handle and socket size is 7/16" which is common on all -3 rubber fuel lines as well as screw in nozzle jets in the industry. Wrench is polished after being welded.

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