BBC 10.20" standard deck competition blower manifold. The manifold will fit a 6-71 thru 18-71 roots supercharger.
Manifold is set up to run water thru it using 1/2" NPT threads, has port nozzle provisions already drilled and tapped and has a radiused floor for better fuel distribution.
Manifold is 4.750" from deck surface to blower mounting surface and has been drilled and tapped 1/8" pipe in the rear of the manifold plenum for a boost gauge.
Included with every manifold is intake gaskets, a blower base gasket, blower stud and nut set as well as a SFI burst panel and frame with mounting hardware for the burst panel.
Manifold weights thirty eight pounds as seen in the pictures. Ports are rectangle and measure 2.375" x 1.750".
Racer can choose manifold finish from drop down menu.