Reissued!!!! Mallory made these way-back-when but they've been discontinued for years and FIE has brought them back. Available in 10, 18, 22, crankshaft degrees, "all in" by 2800 RPM.
Works great to retard engine timing for easier starting. Works only with a 2-pin mag drivers and original style lower drives with two pins. FIE can still build the 2-pin style drives and can fit drives with a new two pin-style replacement shaft for those needing to convert in order to use advance weights.
Weights are marked with crankshaft degrees and rotation. The "R" side goes UP for right hand rotation (clockwise). Turn it over so that "L" is up for left hand counter clockwise mags.
Buyer can add a magneto 2-pin driver from the pull-down menu above if you need one.