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OUT OF STOCK Blower Shipping Crate SSI/Kobelco/Fowler

RBS is proud to offer the racers this safe and durable SSI/Kobelco/Fowler roots blower shipping crate. This crate is made from durable styrne plastic and has been designed to protect your supercharger when shipping it back in for maintenance.

Simple to use simply set blower in crate spin down the alum. hex bars install the lid and tighten the nuts to the alum. hex studs and within minutes you are ready to ship. Crate includes alum. hex bars, nuts, washers and two socket head allen bolts. Crate will fit 6-71 thru 14-71 blowers and up to a six inch blower snout can be left on the supercharger during shipping.

Measurements of the crate from the center of the first stud hole on the blower snout side is 11.00" to the front of the crate and in the rear it is 10.50". These measurements are provided so the racer can measure their supercharger to see if it will fit before purchasing the crate.
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