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Hydrometer Bulb Enderle

Part No.: 
MPN: 7014
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For the racer that wants to test their gas or alcohol to make sure there is not water in the fuel or a nitro racer that is trying to calculate the race winning tune up these Enderle hydrometers take the guess work out and save precious motor parts from being damaged from either dirty fuel or to hot of a batch of the good stuff.

Racer can find their fuels specific gravity and percentage once they choose a nitro hydrometer from 0 to 50%, 50 to 100% or gas/alcohol hydrometer bulb from drop down menu. Enderle hydrometer bulbs have the temperature thermostat built into them for an easy to read application.

Some of the legendary nitro tuners like to carry two hydrometer bulbs to compare and make sure everything is right where they want it with no variables left on the table.

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