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FIE Crank Trigger To Mag Switch/Killbox

Part No.:  2305-0027F
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*** IN STOCK SHIPS TODAY *** This remote changeover/kill box offers the racers two very nice features in one very small package. It allows the racer remote switching between the Pro mags internal pickup and a crank trigger pickup and a kill the engine feature that doesn't require heavy duty switches or solenoids.

This part will automatically shut the mag off when the race motors 12 VDC supply is turned off. The changeover/kill box can be zip tied on the side of the mag and uses the same connectors that the MSD pro mag uses. The changeover and kill features can be used separately using regular switches mounted anywhere on the race car or engine and will allow the driver/tuner to control these functions without inducing EMI/RFI noise into the critical crank trigger signal.

Routing the pickup signal long distances can degrade and pollute the signal and with noise introduced into the signal it can cause the points box to false trigger and misfire the engine. This box allows remote switching of functions and keeps the trigger signal as short as possible. Box includes detailed instructions and here is a break down of the plugs and wires functions.

White plug Input #1 white and green wires twisted on the mag this is mag pick up or crank trigger pick up.

Black plug Input #2 blue and green wires twisted on the mag this is mag pick up or crank trigger pick up.
Black Socket purple and green wire twisted output plugs into mag harness on the stock mag trigger location.

Red wire Constant 12VDC (from 9-24 VDC). If the voltage to the red wire is ever interrupted the motor is shut down.

Yellow wire This is the select wire. With the yellow wire ungrounded Input #1 is passed to the output and is utilized by the points box to trigger the ignition. When the yellow wire is grounded Input #2 is passed to the output instead.

Orange wire This is the kill wire. With the orange wire ungrounded no crank trigger signal is passed to the output and the ignition will be defeated. When the wire is grounded either Input #1 or #2 (depending on state of the yellow select wire) will be passed to the output and the ignition is live.

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