Enderle ball check port nozzle body assm. This port nozzle body allows the racer to fine tune their tune up by either doing a dribbler system in there ports or extra nozzles can be added in a port and set with different spring pressure to allow the fuel to come into the engine.
Each ball check nozzle body assm. includes a brass or anodized alum. nozzle body, steel ball, stainless steel spring and a plug to hold the assm. together before use.
Short port bodies measure 2.00" overall and are 1.00 in. under the last thread to the tip of the nozzle body.
Long port bodies measure 2.60" overall and are .750 in. under the last thread to the tip of the nozzle body.
The spring can be set to 5, 10, 15, 20, 25 or 30 so please specify in the pressure box when ordering.