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Crank Support Assm. Cradle TFX Hemi

Part No.:  2310-0007
MPN: 202600-0002
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This support has been designed to minimize the bending stress imposed on the snout of the crankshaft caused by harmonics and or driving a supercharger. Few people realize just how much a crankshaft can distort during harmonics, or that supercharger belt load can be in excess of 3000 pounds when detonation occurs.

With the supercharger belt pulling the crank snout upwards, and the first two piston and rod assemblies pressing downward, this area of the crankshaft is in need of some additional support. By adding a crank snout support, in essence a sixth main bearing, the vulnerable unsupported snout has less chance of bending and breaking. Race engines especially those prone to detonation are the applications most in need of this support.

The billet aluminum bracket and stand assembly that hold the front bearing mounts to the front of the block as well as the front gear drive cover. Kits include mounting plates, stands, sealed ball bearing, and mounting hardware.

RBS can set up the crank support to be used with crank trigger at an additional cost if desired. Fits 96, 2000 and current AJPE TFX Hemi engine combinations. THIS IS JUST THE CRANK SUPPORT CRADLE ASSM. IF COMPLETE KIT IS WANTED CHECK OUT PART NUMBER #2310-0022 AS WELL AS #2300-0031.

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